Everyday Heaven
What if it’s alland onlyfor light?
Read MoreA crow passes
On a cold winter morningwhen the sky is blue,a crow passesand you look up. This is life.
Read MoreWhat is it?
I can see the wind moving through the treetops.I can see the sun trapped in a shard of ice.What is it, then, that I see when I laugh, when I cry,when I kiss you on the cheek and close my eyes, smiling?
Read MoreBreath
I turn out the light, close my eyesand listen to you breathe—that same breaththe world takesin the darkness.
Read MoreDriftwood
I met a piece of driftwood,smooth and light. It told metumbling on the wavesdoes that to you,if you let it.
Read MoreEvery
Every fall the trees lay their blanket of love .Every spring the bulbs raise their blades of hope.This is how the world works, despite it all.
Read MoreFreed
Could we live like this, our livesbound in duty and honor,freed by the chains of love?
Read MoreSome small things
Sometimessome small thingsare biggerthan I can know.
Read MoreEvery dark autumn
When I die, bury mein a field and plantwhite and blue asterson top of me so everydark autumn I’ll remind youI’m still gladly living.
Read MoreWarm
Often it’s enoughfor your warm bodyto warm mywarm bodyand nothing else.
Read MoreLost and found
One minute not so long agoI heard a bird sing. I lost myself and foundsomething bigger.
Read MoreEvery Day
Every daythe same old,same oldmagic. There’s a lot of routine to having a puppy. Rufus thrives on it. If I’m not careful, each day is Groundhog Day. But Rufus helps me remember there’s wonder everywhere. It might be the same routine, but Rufus finds joy in every patch of light, each waving leaf. It’s a…
Read MoreThe leaf
Onlywhen we allow ourselvesto be intoxicatedby a leaf in the sundo we live.
Read MorePatch of light
Dwellin the patch of lightfor it reminds uslove is.
Read MoreAll that’s left to do
All of usare thrown into this lifewe didn’t ask forbut want to keep. So we learn(finally and perhaps)that all that’s left to dois love.
Read MoreDandelion clock
What ifeverythingimportantis foundin thedandelionclockthe momentbeforethe windblows?
Read MoreThe starflower
The starflower blooms in the forest.You might walk on by—but if you do,you’ll never know love is everywhere,even in the darkest of places.
Read MoreAngels
Dandelion seedslike angelsin the sun. We might notalways see itbut the truth isevery seedand every leafpossesses thisheavenly glow.
Read MoreThe thing about spring flowers
The thing about spring flowersafter a winter turned insideis they capture youso, for a second,you lose your selfand find the world anew.
Read MoreLove’s face
Love shows its face when you least expect.Such as when you find a beetle on its back,legs striving to reach the home of soil,and you gently nudge it right-side up.No chocolates, no flowers. Just striving in the dirtand knowing what being is.
Read MoreHumility
What ifwe saw the worldthrough the eyes of the world,if we saw what’s best for the worldis best for us,if we allowed ourselvesto be smaller, to be nobody,to be a walk-on partin the world’s lovely play?
Read MoreConsume
Down deep in the dirt,the soil browning my palmsand filling my nails. I might decide to eat lunchwithout washing my handsso as to consume the universe.
Read MoreAmid
When the rain stops and the sunshines I step outside and countthe sprouting seeds amid therotting leaves—and fall in love.
All I want is what I got. The warm smellof yesterday’s grassThe birds singing.A fly. All I got is what I want.
Read MoreCan we?
Can we consider it an honourwhen the phoebe choosesto build a nest under our deck?Can we be a place of safetyand of love? Can we live togetherin this land called home,under the same April sun? Can we be good?
Read MoreAnimated
Often it’s enough to watchthe wind-waved boughsand see life in every cell.
Read MoreForgetting, remembering
How easily I forgetyou are everythingand everything is youand all is well.
Read MoreBig love
Wait long enough,watch hard enough,lose your self,find another self—in the wholeloveness of it all.
Read MoreHeld
What if everything is heldin the silent spruceand the wren that arrivesfrom the east?
Read MoreThe sparrow will sing
Soon it will be summerand the sparrow will sing.It knows, however, the gapbetween the notesis where the music is born.
Read MoreHis ancient song
On this still morningthe chickadee calls home,his ancient songas usual as the sunrise.
Read MoreMirrors
What, asked Bird, if we are simply mirrorsreflecting the wholeness of the world?
Read MoreIt just works
One day you’ll learn, said Bird,the world works perfectly just as it is.All you need do is play your part.
Read MoreCircle of life
Don’t be afraid of the wolvesthat howl over the lakefor they eat the deerthat eat your Hostas.
Read MoreThe dead are smiling
There’s a cemetery in Pariswhere they don’t cut the grass,vines twist free and flowerssway over mossy stones.I like to think the dead are smilingwith so much life around them.
Read MoreFalling for uncertainty
Inside my chest is a gaping holeof uncertainty. Sometimes I liketo fall into it, knowing I will becaught by the gentlest of love.
Read MoreLooking
Staring at a squirrelstaring at me. The world looking at itself.In love.
Read MoreAche of awe
The bird fliesand takesmy breathwith it.
Read MoreSame
Let me breathe the same breath as the chickadee,walk the same path as the deer,feel the sun, the rain—and smilebecause I’m home.
Read MoreEvery part
When everything is already hereand every part is part of every thing,we tread quietly and plant, lovingly,in the whole soil of the kind world.
Read MoreMost alive
If we dare stop for a secondand let the cold seep inwe hear the world and realizewe are most alivewhen we die to ourselvesa little.
Read MoreAfter the storm
The rain sweetened the ground,…
Read MoreEternity
Those moments when the sun is on the birch…
Read MoreCan you hear it?
Communion in the moment…
Read MoreSummer
When summer warms the browning grass…
Read MorePeace
One leaf quakes…
Read MoreYou can hear
You can hear heaven…
Read MoreIntegrated
I feel most alive…
Read MoreAct accordingly
My shoes glooped in mud…
Read MoreYes, I’m here too
It’s always curious how a brief glimpse…
Read More